United as One

United as One

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Audio Interview

I decided I wanted to see how the public thinks about the issues on Discrimination and Diversity, so why not interview my own mother. My mother's name is Lucinda and she works in the business world dealing with enrolling kids into school. In our interview, she describes her past experience of discrimination at a supermarket she used to work at and her connection with the church she now attends being a melting pot.

Here are the following question asked during the interview:

1) Where are you from, What is your ethnicity, and Where did you grow up? In an ethnic culture or neighborhood? or in a mixed environment?

2) Do you think Diversity, meaning different ethnicity effect your environment? and if so how ?

3)What are you ideas on how the world can benefit from Diversity? meaning how can different cultures come together as one.

4)Have you ever been involved with discrimination as far as work or public places? If so what was the situation? 

5)How do you feel about affirmative action?

6)Why do you think so many people discriminate against people of different race or ethnicity?

7)Do you think Diversity builds a person's self-esteem?

8)When you look at a person of different ethnicity, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

9)Are you a member of a church or organization? If so, do you feel your church or organization is made up of diversity? 

10)If it was something you could contribute to your community on diversity, what would it be?

To listen to my interview, click HERE

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